Establish conflict causes

2. Findings are documented as per organization policy

It is important to focus on translating research and theory into brief, engaging programs for community families to improve conflict and emotional security.
The evaluation based on multi-domain and multi-method assessment of the community. In regards to the findings, evidence is presented at the post test for improvement in community conflict with consideration of relative benefits for different community groups and preliminary support for theoretical bases for program outcome.
Documenting of the findings are as follows:
a) Clearing and creating space for documentation either by having a bigger room for filling or flash disc for the soft copy.
b) Labelling and naming the documents clearly.
c) Sorting and filtering the documents systematically and clearly.
d) Arranging the documents systematically either alphabetically or region wise.
The importance of documenting findings as per the organization policy
 They can be used for future reference
 They help to guide on prevention measures in conflict to the community
 Documenting findings helps to ensure there is consent and expectations of the conflicting parties
 Helps to tell the narrative of the decisions that have been made and how the conflicting parties responded to different situations
 Documenting of findings helps to support the proper treatment plan and the reasoning for such services
There are several types of doing documentation
 System documentation
Records information about systems design specification e.g. its internal workings and its functions. Having the information in soft copy e.g. flash disks, google drive.
 Internal documentation
Includes having information in a manual way it is the outcome of all structured techniques e.g. files, magazines, journals.
 User documentation
This covers the manuals that are mainly prepared for end-users of the document. Bulletins, brochures.