Monitor conflict resolution process

2. Monitoring tools

Organizational policies determine how monitoring tools are implemented.
Implementing monitoring tools

The process of developing monitoring tools should take the steps below.
i. Identify the objectives and goals of the project: The goals of initiating the project should be clearly stated so that staffs are aware of what is expected of them and clear benchmarks are developed for assessing progress.
ii. Defining indicators: After defining the objective/goals of the project, indicators are then defined, these indicators are defined for the purpose of tracking progress against the set goals
iii. Defining methods of data collection and timeline: This step entails developing the method of data collection from the field and the frequency at which this data should be collected. Timelines could be quarterly, annually depending on agreement.
iv. Identifying the responsibilities and roles of monitoring personnel: It is vital to decide during the planning stage of the project. What are the functions of the monitoring staff including who is in charge of collecting information for every indicator?
v. Create reporting and analysis plan: After all the information has been collected, there is need to analyse and compile this information as well as fill it in the table of results for both external and internal reporting. This process is conducted by the monitoring manager of the project within the context of the conflict.
vi. Plan for donor reporting and dissemination: This step describes how information will be distributed and to whom internal dissemination among the conflicting parties.

Tools of project management:
Various tools can be used to monitor conflict; they include:
 Gantt chart: This tool is used to track the progress of the conflict across time as well as depict the interrelations between activities/ tasks. They show the milestone, resources, phases and tasks of the conflict.
 Logic network: This tool denotes the activities and how they follow one another over time in a logical manner, the milestones of every conflict resolution stage are identified, the timescales as well as workflow.
 PERT chart: The program evaluation and review technique is used to analyses tasks that are entailed in a conflict including time required for each milestone and for the overall resolution of the conflict.
 Work breakdown structure (WBS): A hierarchical composition of deliverable required to finish a project key deliverables are broken down into smaller work which can be costed, assigned people and schedule.
 Product break down structure (PBS): A hierarchical and exhaustive form of a tree structure that is made up of components of project deliverables. It entails the breakdown of work into manageable components.
Importance of conducting monitoring:
 It helps in the process of evaluating the situation that prevails in the community as well as the project
 It helps determine if the project input are maximally utilized.
 It helps in identification of problems that face the community or the project being monitored and help find solutions.
 To ensure that all functions/ activities of the project are properly carried out and by the right personnel within the desired time.
 Monitoring helps determine whether or not the project planning method/ procedure used was the best way.